Record Store Day 2025 - Saturday 12th April.....

Record Store Day 2025 - Saturday 12th April.....


Record Store Day is the one day of the year when 270 independent record shops all across the UK come together to celebrate their unique culture.

Celebrating the Independent

RSD is the day hundreds of UK independent record shops come together to celebrate their unique culture. Special vinyl releases are made exclusively for the day . Thousands more shops celebrate it globally for one of the biggest annual events on the music calendar. Record Store Day releases are only available, in-store, through Record Store Day Shops from the date of Record Store Day. TIMELINE, FAQ’s, RSD LIST & TIPS below

First in queue will receive …


Here in Mold, Flintsthire we will have a programme of events across the day on Saturday 12th April starting with those all important exclusive Record Store releases instore , followed by a Record Fair just over the road from the shop at the Daniel Owen Comminity Centre from 9am-4pm, More details to follow as we look to celebrate the biggest day of the year for Independent Record shops throughout the World.


Shop open 8am
24 New Street CH7 1NZ
details TBA
Record Fair open 9am
Daniel Owen Centre CH7 1DQ
18 stalls
Shop closes 4pm
Record Fair ends 4pm


Most asked question?
With the shop move to next door but one, where do we now queue. The answer is in exactly the same place - from our old shop (still ours) at 28 New street. When the doors to No.24 open simply file up to the shop. We will put a ‘queue from here’ sign out on the day!
What time does the shop open?
How many can you buy?
One title of each up to max 10 different titles
Can i come back for more?
Its OK to rejoin queue if more than 10 items required
Can I Pre order
No, RSD rules state all sales are on a first come/first served basis
Cash or Card?
We accept both cash and card payments
Can you use Record Vouchers?
You can use VOD vouchers on the day, we do not accept any other vouchers.
Will there be a queue?
More than likely there will be a queue on the day
What time does the queue start?
Very hard to predict but traditionally some arrive quite a few hours before opening time.
Will i get what you want?
Again hard to say, getting to front of queue gives you the best chance, NOTE all titles are very limited and in some cases we may only have small numbers of any release , so when they are gone they are gone unfortunately
Are there any Freebies?
Yes…details to be confirmed
Can i buy after the day online?
The date will be a couple of days after RSD on the Monday, it is pot luck if you can pick up what want from other shops around the UK. But lovers of RSD in support of Independent Record Shops generally prefer to be there on the day and experience the sense of being a part of the wider music community.
Is there anything else planned for the day?
We have a VOD Record Fair over the road at the Daniel Owen Community Centre, this event will start at 9am to tie in with early visitors to the shop for RSD, the Record Fair will run all day until 4pm.
Where do i park my car?
New Street Car park is the closest of several car parks in the town. Parking charges apply 8am-3pm only at Mold town centre car parks, 3 hours is £1.20 with ALL DAY £1.70
Where are toilets?
Aside from cafes,shops and bars the Town Centre public toilets are at Mold Bus Station and The Daniel Owen Centre where our Record Fair will be on from 9am-4pm on the day!

Details soon…


This is the list of of titles in our shop for RSD on Saturday 12th April. All priced, note that limited numbers of each title. Any non arrivals.withdrawn releases have been removed from the list.

THE LIST..soon!

Awaiting titles


7 is a 7 inch, 10 is a 10 inch, 12 is a 12 inch, LP is an Album etc..

BK is Book

Boxsets 10 x7 is 10 singles etc...

Cassette is Cass.

Compact Disc is CD


* 12 inch and LP Titles will be A-Z in boxes as listed below.

*7 inch Singles 10 inch and Singles will be located seperately but will also be A-Z.

Just to note all releases above are exclusive releases and will never have been in this format before, be it unreleased material, coloured vinyl, picture disc etc. All to extremely limited in many cases runs of just 500 pressed, with around 270 shops participating in the UK you can see that in some cases after doing the Maths there maybe only a few possible for each store. All will be priced before the day and there may be some additions and some titles removed before RSD so keep checking.


Tip 1

If there is a title(s) you are desperate to pick up on the day we recommend you get to the shop early to get as near to the front of the queue as possible.

Tip 2

There will be FREEBIES for the first few customers.

Tip 3

Good idea to write down what you are after and list a few other options just in case.

Tip 4

We will list anything that is arriving for the day on our RSD page, so be sure to check this before joining the queue.

Tip 5

Confirmations are listed in the run up to RSD with a price list viewable the night before the day.

Tip 6

Wear suitable clothing if joining the queue early as it can be nippy early in the day and open to the elements.

This is a day for the people who make up the world of the record store—the staff, the customers, and the artists—to come together and celebrate the special role these independently owned stores play in their communities.